Saviour Pirotta signing books on 2nd February 2016..jpg

THE FIVE-STEP STORY LADDER is perhaps my most popular writing workshop, honed in nearly forty years of working in schools. Find out how to construct a story in five easy steps, with a beginning, a middle and an end - and with relatable characters.

ZERO TO HERO A special workshop for schools using FIREBIRD in school. Find out how Prince Ivan goes from zero to hero, write a similar story and learn how to use your own life experience to construct plot and give your characters depth. 

WE ARE LEGEND Learn how to write your own myth and legends using the classics as inspiration.  Discover why heroes like Jason and Theseus still enthral readers to this very day and write a superhero story that puts you at the heart of the narrative. Especially popular with schools doing Ancient Greece and who are using my ANCIENT GREEK MYSTERIES.

WOULD YOU SURVIVE THE STONE AGE? Doing the stone age this half-term? I can help your children write their own stories with a stone or bronze age team, as well as tell them stories about or inspired by the period.  



A WORLD FULL OF STORIES [for any age group]Stories from around the world, including magic, funny and fairytales. Tales of magic, empathy and diversity.

BOO! [for Upper KS2 only]  Ghost stories to make you shiver.

THE UNICORN PRINCE [nursery, and KS1] Magic stories designed to appeal to younger kids. At the moment this features my latest picture book with Jane Ray but also classics like The Three Little Pigs and The Gingerbread Man.